Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Exchange between Little Red (Red's oldest, 13 years old), and a Very Popular Girl That Should Have Known Better:

VPGTSHKB: (Little Red), you're such a nerd. You get straight A's, and you're always studying. I'm so much more popular than you, and I've got soooo many friends than you.

Little Red: Uh huh.

VPGTSHKB: I mean, like, I've got soooo many more friends, and I'm soooo much more popular.

Little Red: Okay, I'll tell you what. In twenty years, I'll remember you were the popular one, if you can remember to get me my pizza in thirty minutes or less.


Anonymous said...

Never take on the smart little red-headed girl.

Somebody is being brought up right.

Congrats, Dad.

WG said...

I'd say she gets it from me, but I call her Little Red for a reason. Red calls her "mini-me".

lattégirl said...

Excellent riposte!