Ran across this at Hot Air. Personal politics aside, isn't it nice to see a pompous ass get what's coming to him? Watch the video, that's some good stuff right there.
It's amazing that so many words can tumble from someone's mouth and yet they say absolutely nothing...
That's the one things I took away from the last elections Presidential Debates. John Kerry is a gifted orator, but he never says anything.
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It's amazing that so many words can tumble from someone's mouth and yet they say absolutely nothing...
That's the one things I took away from the last elections Presidential Debates. John Kerry is a gifted orator, but he never says anything.
Yeah, give me a leader who occasionally trips over his own tongue but says what he's actually thinking any day of the week. Sheesh.
I like the parsing he does in the middle there, "Oh well I never said that...well I sort of said it, but it's been misquoted."
How the hell do you misquote remarks in their entirety?
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