Monday, July 7, 2008


About an hour ago, the doc came in and broke Red's water. She now has her epidural in, and we're watching her contractions slowly ramp up - he should be arriving within the next several hours. Stay tuned....we'll be right back after these messages.

Edit: 1:45 AM 7/8/08 He's here! 8 lbs 14 oz, and 20 1/2 " long. I'll post photos later after family's had a chance to meet him. :)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Daddy G :)

The delivery room will now have to be designated as Ground Zero. hehehe

paula said...

ok ok where are the pictures already??? I have been waiting all day!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, dang! After all this waiting, I'd hoped to be online reading about the Podling's arrival when it happened.

Either way, the sentiment's the same: Congratulations, WG! WTG Red!