Monday, April 28, 2008

Presented without comment

Edit: Okay, obviously I need to leave a comment of some sort, because I keep getting comments and emails about where these photos have been seen before. Perhaps you missed the sideline over to the right that says all images here are copyright 2007 or 2008 Groundwerks Productions?

No, you haven't seen these photos before, unless you saw them here or on my Model Mayhem profile. I guarantee I took them the Sunday before I posted both of them. I personally know both of the models; they are friends of mine. I know the location - it is in Salem, Oregon at Copperjohn's Pub. I know the photographer...he's me.

K? K.


Me: dude i am so tired.

The Bike Owner: ?

Me: i was so groggy when i got up this morning i put aftershave gel in my hair.

The Bike Owner: lol Bet your hair was cool and refreshed

Me: lol that's totally going in my blog

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Oh, now this is bad news.

Hurricanes? I can deal with that.

Rising seas? Okay, not good, but we can handle that.

Climate change? Definitely not good, but it could be worse.

This is truly bad.

An Associated Press report details the findings from climate scientist Jim Salinger, who presented his research at the Institute of Brewing and Distilling's annual convention in Wellington, New Zealand. The grim results? Climate change may affect the production of malting barley, an ingredient crucial to the tasty beers we all know and love.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Setting: Little Red's choir concert last night, sitting in the fourth row back with Red and Thing #1 on one side of me and Thing #2 on the other. In between two songs was this little exchange.

Thing #2: (whispering) I'm really hungry. Can I go get something out of the vending machine?

Me: (whispering) No. They won't let you leave in the middle of a performance, and I don't have any money on me anyway.

Thing #2: We could cut off your beard and dye it green. That would fool the machine.

Me: I don't think that would work so well...and I like my beard, thanks very much.

Thing #2: Your breath stinks a lot.

Me: That's because I didn't get a chance to brush my teeth since lunchtime.

Thing #2: You're a very gross man.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Yes....we do care.

Instapundit links to a story from Advertiser's Age highlighting something that's bugged me for a long time; the increasingly negative portrayal of men in general, and fathers specifically, in the popular media from the news to sitcoms. Like the two readers that Glenn cites in the updated post, I've also changed brands and refused to use both services and products because of offensive advertising.

When the hell did it become okay to default to portraying fathers as buffoons or the clueless straight man to a wise cracking wife? Even the Cosby Show used this gimmick, although I'll admit that Bill Cosby's version wasn't anywhere near as offensive as, say, the George Lopez Show or Everybody Loves Raymond (I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than have either of those inflicted on me).

The worst part about this kind of emasculation - and that's precisely what it is - is that somehow it's seen as okay. The article I linked to above makes mention of this phenomenon - journalists doing a story on male-bashing ads and entertainment are "astounded" at men being offended by this sort of thing. Why is that?

The only thing I can figure is that somehow, gently poking fun at the stereotype lost its humor along the way and became simple mean-spirited bashing. You don't have to go far online to find whole websites devoted to this radical sort of feminism, which I think is pathetic and sad. Remember Amanda Marcotte? No? Do a Google search on her, or look at the Wikipedia page....and she's by no means the most frothing-at-the-mouth type out there. She simply had a bigger megaphone. It's a simple and straightforward case of women-as-eternal-victims that has come full circle to the man being the target of what is, if one were to turn it around and make a woman or a minority the target of it, obviously offensive pandering to our worst natures.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Me: I like those electronic billboards; they seem classier. You know, less paper peeling and graffiti. They're cool.

Red: I hate them.

Me: Why?

Red: Because there are too many stupid people out on the road that get distracted by shiny things. I can just see us sitting here at the light, with some idiot in front of us mesmerized by the sign, going, "Hey!!!! Fucker!!! Green light!!!"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A truly rare opportunity.

How often do you get to use Fucking in a sentence as a proper noun instead of a verb, an adjective, or an adverb? I mean, really.

Update: Truly, an excellent bit of trivia.

Take that, Rachel Lucas!


h/t Rachel Lucas