Tuesday, February 17, 2009


It's been a while since I was able to blog, get online, or do much of, well, anything. This is entirely due to a certain company I mentioned before as having very poor customer service.

After the house fire we had back in November, I asked this company to suspend our service, and told them why. They said they would - I received no bills, and got the occasional person telling me that our home phone number had been disconnected. I thought nothing further of it.

So imagine our suprise, and Red's fury, when four days after we moved back in, we discovered in the mail a phone bill saying our service was disconnected as of the beginning of January, for non payment of the $300 phone bill from November to current. I was livid - we spent three hours on the phone with these people, and finally extracted from them a promise to do something unspecified right away if we'd have the fire marshal fax them a copy of the report on the fire.

Fine, whatever. So we asked the fire marshal to do that, and he did.

A week went by. Then another week.

I finally had had enough, and last Thursday I had some time, so I called and was what I call polite and Red calls being diplomatic in an evil sense. By the time I was done talking to them, they'd decided to just make the whole bill problem go away. They said they'd waive the entire bill, set us up with a new connection. Then I decided, well, if we're feeling all try-to-keep-the-customer-happy here, let's see how far it'll go.

"So will you take the same package you had before?" the lady asked.
"No, I don't think so, actually," I said. "See, I've had an offer from one of your competitors....they're offering to give me faster broadband for six months, for less than I'd be paying for two months of services with you. Just under $300 for six months, in fact. Can you give me a good reason why I shouldn't switch, because I've got to tell you, between the economy and the problems I've had with your company over the last six months, I'm inclined to. I have no brand loyalty here."
"How about we give you three months at $18 and $46.99 per month forever, with a faster tiered speed than you had before?"
"Tell me more."

I ended up getting a new modem, faster service, and since we didn't opt for the $80 in extra phone package stuff since we're going to go with T-Mobile's VoIP service (for $10 a month), that's all I'll be paying. In short, I got a free new modem, free new router, and a faster connection for about half what I was paying before.


Venomous Kate said...

Would that company happen to be Time Warner Cable? I'm asking because we placed a similar call to them recently to the effect of we're thinking about changing service providers. (We didn't have the house fire and billing screw-up, though.)

They immediately cut our monthly cable bill by $45 forever, threw in a faster-speed connection and new modem AND gave us credits for a dozen free "On Demand" movies.

After we got off the phone I began wondering if they aren't losing customers left and right as people decide that cable is an unnecessary luxury. But if that's the case, shouldn't fewer customers translate into less income for the company, forcing them to actually *hike* rates to continue making the same profit?

Or are they implicitly acknowledging that their profit margins all along have been ridiculously high?

WG said...

No, this was Qwest. I've heard from friends that they've had similar issues with the phone company in the past, and got favorable results by threatening to leave, and while I always had my doubts about it a little...I can't dispute the results of my own call.

The only thing I can figure is that they operate things like this like casinos and their comps. I worked for a tribal casino for about a year and a half back in the mid-90's, and they were constantly buying things for people that spent money there. I remember one guy got so slobbering drunk that he couldn't drive home, and they couldn't ethically let him continue playing, so since they didn't have any room at the hotel there, they paid for a room for him and his family at the Inn at Spanish Head, which is (for Oregon) a very, very nice place.