Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Change in commenting policy

I've decided to have some fun with the trolls that have been making an appearance here lately. Commenting is still open, but I may go to some level of moderation to make it happen.

That is all.


The Bike Owner said...

Who's that trip-trapping on my bridge???

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Great blog title. I saw it at the top of opiningonline, which apparently has been referring to me lately, and decided to say hello.

Sorry to hear you've got an infestation of trolls. I used to have one, though he was more of a sincere but difficult person than a troll per se. My grown sons keep hoping he'll come back and bait me into another pointless discussion.

WG said...

I try not to feed the trolls. I have one very persistent one that keeps posting racist gibberish, and while I don't normally condone just deleting comments without a comment of my own, in his case I make an exception.