Friday, November 9, 2007


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Get a Cash Advance

h/t: Dr Helen


Anonymous said...

That's a fascinating little gizmo. I'm not sure what to think of the results, though. Both my blogs turned out to be written at the elementary school level....

In a way, I'm grateful. I believe that the most powerful prose is the simplest. But then another part of me doesn't want to be simple. I want to be smart and complicated and mysterious. (But who knows the ways of the elementary schooler....)

Actually, this is probably a job hazard. I've been writing advertising and PR stuff for way too long, and perhaps I am ruined for life! I was even called to the state house once to re-write a bill at the eighth-grade level so the legislators could understand it.

Obviously, I'm all conflicted about this and envy your college-level rating.

WG said...

My day job involves sitting at a desk and narrating the things I'm doing, which is supposed to be both sufficiently specific to satisfy a court of law and written at a 6th grade level. In a way, I find this very liberating, although I'm not sure if it means I write at a postgraduate level or that I'm just verbose.

Either is probable. :)

lattégirl said...

After reading Anne's comment, I don't feel so bad. Mine is apparently High School level. I guess some days it could be.

WG said...

I guess I'm still trying to reconcile "concise" and the rest of my vocabulary. :)