Sunday, August 24, 2008


(from the kitchen) Red: AAAaaa!!!!!
Me: What's the matter, hon?
Red: Um, hi....I have a fire?
Me: *obscenity*

Going in, I spotted a flaming paper towel on the floor and Red standing there with no shoes. I set a pot lid over it until it went out, and swept it up.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rachel says cats are assholes

She's right, of course.....but somebody needs to point out that this balances the books somewhat.

Just for the record, I laughed so hard I cried.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Random bits

I've been duly informed that I'm not updating to expectations, so, Paula, Bill....this post goes out to you guys. I'm tired, and it's been an odd day, so this is going to be what George Carlin referred to as brain droppings.....basically, whatever shit comes to mind.

Rachel posted a link to a Hot Air link that I found amusing. I'd never heard of "rick-rolling" before, so according to Rachel, I've evidently lived under a large flat mossy rock or something. This is actually quite easy to do in Oregon, as even the roads have moss on them here.

There's a lot I don't know about Georgia, despite having worked for the better part of a year less than ten feet from a woman that was an immigrant from there. I haven't read enough to have much of an opinion, but one thing I do know is that Georgia was the 3rd largest contributor of troops in Iraq, and still had their people there long after the British (2nd largest) pulled out. Not helping them out seems bad to me.

After trying and trying to find a Wii since last November, I happened to wander into a GameSpot earlier this evening (Little Red was trying on ...stuff.... in a store nearby, for which my assistance was not required or requested). Fully aware that I don't have the money at the moment to afford one, I idly asked the sales girl if they had one, expecting to get a "nope, try us next week, not sure if we'll have one then, or ever" like everybody else has told me. Oh, no. She looked back at me with a bright cheery grin and said, "Why yes, actually, we have two at the moment. Would you like to purchase one?" That large wet -foomp- you may have been wondering about was my head exploding.

Mojitos are awesome. The Bacardi equivalent isn't bad at all, particularly not on a hot evening.